This man's BMX racing career started way back in December 1983, at the Bingley Hall indoor BMX track. He secured two 8ths and a 7th. Over the next two years, racing at Norton Canes and Cheslyn Haye it was a similar story. It was decided that a stamina replenishing break was required. 16 years later . . . .

. . . . we find ourselves making the grim journey in the snow to Warrington, to Alans Xmas Classic. We found the track eventually and registered in the 25+ class. The class contained 3 other riders. 3 slightly fitter, more experienced riders.


Well, we secured three 4ths and a 3rd. Team Burgess will be back in May. Between now and then, the plan is do some kind of training, so as not to come way last. Watch this space . . . . . .  
props: Alans | Ride4Life | Tell me if you raced in the 25+ new bikes class
Take me, I'm easy


photo finish?